Thursday, 3 March 2016

The Mind of A Chav

Chav's are a simple yet complex vermin. They have the ability to delude themselves into thinking that they are something special.
 Now we all know that they are special but in the way that you give them a empty crisp packet and hope they suffocate themselves.
 How do chav's believe that because they can mouth off 30 plus ft away that they are hard?
maybe the chav has zoom vision?
more likely is the simple answer, they have to compensate for lacking in intelligence and having a really tiny dick if they even have one at all.
The only way a chav will ever say anything to your face is when there is a group of them. Now that to me screams half wit.
 They have an ego that far outweighs their ability and usefulness.
 many people blame drugs for this but lets face it, chav's wouldn't know their arse from their elbow. so the likely hood of them being sold kitchen spices being told that its drugs are not exactly a giant leap.
it's not like they have a brain.
 apart from showing off their vast skills at long distance laughable threats they also have the ability to gather in groups. why? they have the deluded idea that their lack in intelligence is some who joined together when they amass in a group. and how else will they be able to overpower a granny and steal her pension?
 They need the safety of a group just like sheep.

to conclude, chav's are thick as shit, chav's are scum.
 just because you wear trackie's doesn't make you a chav. being a total cock munching twat, that makes you a chav.